“「食」のサミット2021” の実施について
- 日時:
- 2022年3月11日(金)9:30~12:00(予定)
- 場所:
- 中村学園女子中学校・高等学校(福岡市城南区鳥飼7-10-38)
- テーマ:
- SDGs12「つくる責任つかう責任」につながる「食」に関わる諸問題とその解決策
- 内容:
- 3/11(金)プレ会議
本校は、学園祖中村ハル先生により女子教育の実践の場とし て昭和 29 年に設立された福岡高等栄養学校 ( 昭和 40 年以降 中村栄養短期大学 ) にルーツをもつ女子校です。長年「食の中村」として地域の女子教育を牽引してまいりましたが、 2015 年より文科省によるスーパーグローバルハイスクール 事業に取り組む学校として認定を受けています。
As Nakamura Girls High School has established as an associate school of Nakamura Girls Nutrition School (since 1954), food is always our main focus with all the schools in Association of Nakamura. Nakamura Girls HS has clarified as a Super Global High school (a nationwide project of the MEXT) since 2015, and we are working on solving international issues related to food in their research class.
Food Summit is an opportunity for high school students all over the world, to share your passion to make the world better place together in different communities!
Even there is enough food for people in the world, 1/9 of the world population are still suffering from hunger. There are many issues over food not only poverty or food-loss, but food allergy, endangered traditional food and so on. We would like to gather the ideas of teenagers, which are creative and open-minded, to overcome the issues together as global citizens. And at the end of the summit, we would like to share them to the organizations related to United Nations.