卒業生の皆様へ 中学 WEBパンフレット 高校 WEBパンフレット


2/10 「食」のサミットオンラインプレミーティングを行いました/2021 Food Summit Pre-Online Meeting


2月9日、10日に「食」のサミットのオンラインプレミーティングを行いました。9日の参加者は高知県立高知西高等学校と中村学園三陽高等学校、10日は京都先端科学大学附属高等学校、ウエストミンスター国際大学 タシュケント校 アカデミック ライシーアム高校(ウズベキスタン)、スルタン イブラヒム女子高等学校(マレーシア)、中等教育学校84番校(モンゴル)が参加しました。




On February 9th and 10th our school hosted a pre-online meeting with this year’s participants of the food summit. On the 9th we had Kouchi Nishi High School and Nakamura Gakuen Sanyo High School join us for the meeting. On the 10th we had Kyoto University of Advanced Science Junior & Senior High School, Academic Lyceum of Westminster International Unviersity in Tashkent (Uzbekistan), SMK (P) Sultan Ibrahim (Malaysia), General Secondary School #84 (Mongolia) join the meeting.

On both days, each of the team had a short introduction about their country and school. Each team also presented about their research project. Some of the students seemed nervous presenting, but each team participated actively and asked many intriguing questions to each other. We also had a break out session afterwards for the teams to get to know each other.

We hope that this pre-online meeting helped the students become comfortable with each other and that on the day of the food summit they are able to engage and communicate with each other more! We are looking forward to the finalized research projects for our 2021 Food Summit.