卒業生の皆様へ 中学 WEBパンフレット 高校 WEBパンフレット


12/27 シンガポール国立大学(NUS)の学生とのオンライン交流(2年GIクラス)/An Online Exchange with National University of Singapore (NUS) with the 2nd year of GI Class (December 27, 2021)


高校2年GIクラスの生徒が、シンガポール国立大学National University of Singapore(NUS)の学生とオンラインで交流を行いました。これは、NUSの日本研究会がサポートしたイベントです。前半に1時間ほどシンガポールのオンライン観光や住居とNUSの紹介を現地のガイドさんや起業家などにしていただき、後半に2時間ほどNUSの学生とじっくり意見交換を行いました。



Today the 2nd year students of the GI Class had the opportunity to talk to National University of Singapore students online. This event was supported by the Nihon Kenkyukai (日本研究会). In the first half of the session, local guides and entrepreneurs introduced Singapore and explained about NUS. In the second half of the session, the GI students had the chance to exchange conversations with the NUS students.
In the first half of the sessions, there were detailed explanations of the city while actually walking around the city and showing it to our students. This made the GI students really enjoy the presentation. The second session mainly included introductions among each other, quizzes, and icebreaking games. They also talked about the differences in their school, life and culture. There were also some serious conversations about their hopes and dreams.
 It was very heart warming to see the GI students openly talking to the NUS students. We hope that our students continue to improve their English skills and make daily efforts to reach their hopes and dreams for the future.