海外連携校との「食のサミット」プレ会議オンライン開催/ 2021 Online Food Summit Pre-meeting
2月26日、3月1日の2日間にわたり、SGクラス2年1組の生徒が本校の海外連携校3校とオンラインで繋ぎ、「食のサミット」プレ会議を開催しました。2月26日は、モンゴルの84th schoolとウズベキスタンのウェストミンスターアカデミックライシアム高校、3月1日はマレーシアのスルタンイブラヒム女子高等学校と行いました。今年度のテーマは「食の安全性」です。生徒たちは、「着色料」や「食品安全規制」、「ピーナッツの皮の抗酸化作用について」等、テーマに関連した問題提起を行い、リサーチや課題解決策をまとめたプレゼンテーションを行い意見を交わすことで、視野を広げる貴重な機会となりました。
On February 26th and March 1st, 2021 we had our annual Food Summit Pre-meeting with our partner schools overseas online. On February 26th, the SG (2-1) representatives had the conference with students from the 84th School of Ulaanbaatar from Mongolia and students from Academic Lyceum Under Westminster International University in Tashkent from Uzbekistan and on March 1st with students from Sultan Ibrahim Girls School in Malaysia. The conference was a wonderful eye opening experience for our students.
The theme of the summit this year was Food and Food Safety. Each of the students prepared a presentation regarding the theme. The presentations presented included the topics about Food Coloring, Food Safety Regulations, Peanut Shell Preservative and Nutritional Safety Issues. All of the presentations were very well made and had interesting approaches for their solutions.
At the end of the conference, the students discussed “Why is Food Safety an Important Issue?” “Food Safety is a matter of life or death, it is something that we all deal with so we should be aware of it” said SG Representative Qian Guo.
Although this year, our partner schools could not come to our school, the conference online remained a great experience for the students. They had a magnificent time discussing with each other and through this conference gained various informations about different countries.
We hope that next year we will be able to host our partner schools in person to continue to strengthen our partnerships and create an international community for our students.