「食」のサミット参加チームとオンラインミーティングを行いました! / Online Meeting with Finalists of Food Summit 2018
On June 26th and July 11th, Nakamura’s Food Summit Finalists held a Skype meeting with the finalists from the U.S. team. Then, on July 11th, another Skype meeting was held with the team from Malaysia. For both Skype meetings, all the members seemed a little shy at first, but soon opened up to each other. Students asked questions of each other to get to understand each other’s ideas. These Skype interviews were useful for all teams in preparation for the upcoming Food Summit 2018.
It is our great honor to welcome the teams from the U.S and Malaysia. Both schools represented have had a close relationship with Nakamura for several years. Corning Union High School in California has been the host school for our 10th grade U.S. field work program for 4 years. Meanwhile, Sultan Ibrahim Girls School is our sister school in Malaysia. and hosts our 11th grade SG students for their overseas field work.
We have just over one more week until Food Summit 2018, and we greatly look forward to welcoming all the finalists from around the world, and to having enlightening discussions with all of them.